

In today's interconnected world, where access to other continents and countries is just a click away via the internet and cable television, we find ourselves increasingly exposed to a dominant global culture. This exposure often leads to the unconscious erosion of our own cultural identities as we are inundated with influences from afar. It saddens me to witness how our traditional music and dances, for instance, are sometimes ridiculed or overlooked. Amidst this cultural homogenization, I find solace in initiatives like the radio FM stations that dedicate Sunday mornings in Cebu to airing Golden Visayan Songs. As a proud Cebuano, deeply rooted in this heritage passed down from my parents, I appreciate these efforts as they play a crucial role in preserving our identity as Cebuanos and Visayans at large. These songs are more than mere music; they represent a rich tapestry of our cultural tradition, painstakingly crafted by our artistic predecessors. It's through such artistic e
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